CSG gives you unparalleled visibility into dark web risks, enabling organizations to take actions on threats before they become incidents
Companies seeking to protect customer and employee data often invest in dark web monitoring tools to alert them if their compromised data is being advertised or sold on dark web forums, as this is something they cannot do alone. Most tools use automated scanners, crawlers, and scrapers to locate stolen credentials on public sites. CSG goes beyond dark web monitoring by leveraging human intelligence to infiltrate criminal communities and gain access to data that isn’t available otherwise, giving enterprises greater — and faster — visibility of exposed credentials and PII that threaten the security of their users’ accounts.

Cybercriminals lurk in the dark web to methodically coordinate their attacks, sell illicit goods, distribute malware and phishing kits, and share other prebuilt exploits. CSG will help identify threat actors and their intentions at the earliest stages so you can properly prepare your defenses
Prevents identity theft, data breaches & cyber-crime
Prevents business credentials being exploited by criminals
Monitors staff email addresses, usernames & passwords
Provides enterprise-level credential monitoring capabilities
Enables actionable intelligence for business protection
Pro-active monitoring with real-time awareness
Immediate threat response to prevent data breaches
Decreases the risk of reputational & financial damage
Demonstrates to stakeholders a commitment to security
We are able to monitor a number of different types of information that, if fallen into the wrong hands, can seriously impact your business. These include:
Social Security number
Email address
Passport number
Medical identification numbers
Bank account numbers
Phone numbers
Driver’s license
Credit/debit cards
Retail/membership cards
Get Early Warnings of Targeted Attacks
Leverage the broadest and deepest coverage of dark web sources to gain visibility into threat actors and their activities. CSG access restricted channels and automates intelligence gathering to anticipate attacks targeting your organization, employees, and customers.
Discover New Hacking Tools and Exploit Kits
CSG will monitor exclusive dark web forums and private hacker channels. Uncover new cybercriminal tactics and tools used to automate attacks, test for weaknesses, and scam you and your customers.
Understand and Engage Your Adversaries
Rely on CSGs analysts to monitor your adversaries and engage with threat actors. We can obtain data samples, uncover motives, and help you deploy smarter cybersecurity workflows.